The benefits of fitness are not only to lose or maintain ideal body weight. This sport can also provide many benefits for overall body health, both physically and mentally.
Fitness is generally done in a gym or fitness center and uses various types of exercise equipment, such as dumbbells and rowing machines. Usually, people do fitness to lose weight. In fact, there are many other fitness benefits that can be obtained if done routinely.
7 Benefits of Fitness for Health – Alodokter
Various Benefits of Fitness for Body Health
Fitness can be done in the morning, afternoon, evening, or night. Most importantly, avoid doing fitness close to bedtime as much as possible.
For beginners, ideally fitness needs to be done 150 minutes per week routinely. If done properly, routinely, and consistently, the following are the benefits of fitness that can be obtained:
- Maintain bone and muscle health
Various movements in fitness, such as weight lifting or resistance training, can maintain bone strength and stimulate muscle formation, especially if accompanied by adequate protein intake.
This is because the body will release hormones that can increase the ability of muscles to absorb amino acids during exercise. Amino acids are nutrients that play a role in the process of muscle growth and formation.
- Increase body energy
Not a few people think that fitness is a tiring activity. In fact, the opposite is true. When the body moves more, the heart will pump more blood and provide more oxygen to the working muscles.
Over time, the heart and muscles will work more efficiently and the body will become more energetic than before. Several studies have also shown that exercising regularly can increase energy, especially for those who often feel tired and weak.
- Maintain healthy skin
The benefits of regular fitness can also make the skin healthier. This is because physical activity can increase the flow of oxygen and blood so that the intake of nutrients needed by the skin can be met properly.
In addition, collagen production will also increase so that the skin feels tight and looks fresher after exercise.
- Achieve ideal body weight
Various studies have shown that one of the causes of obesity is lack of physical activity or exercise. Sports such as fitness can increase the body’s metabolic rate so that it can burn more calories. This certainly has an impact on weight loss.
In addition, regular exercise can also maximize fat burning from within the body and maintain muscle mass. Thus, body weight will be maintained.
- Prevent depression
The benefits of fitness are not only for physical health, but also good for mental health. This is because when exercising, the serotonin hormone in the brain will increase. The serotonin hormone is a hormone that manages mood, including preventing depression.
Regular fitness can also increase the production of endorphins which help you feel happier and reduce pain. Thus, you can also avoid anxiety and stress.
- Reduce the risk of various diseases
Physical activities such as fitness that are done regularly can reduce the risk of various chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
In addition, regular exercise can also help the body fight free radicals that can trigger cancer, such as colon cancer and breast cancer.
- Improve sleep quality
A study revealed that exercising for 30 minutes every day can make sleep more restful and quality. This is because the increase in temperature during exercise can trigger the body to produce chemical compounds that can increase the urge to sleep at night.
These benefits are certainly good for those of you who have trouble sleeping or the elderly who often experience sleep disorders.
Various Fitness Sports Options
Fitness sports are generally done in gyms or fitness centers. You can take advantage of the various facilities available to maximize the fitness benefits that you can get. For example, by trying weight lifting or taking various sports classes, such as yoga and pilates classes, which are done with instructors.
However, fitness sports can also be done at home. The following are various fitness sports options that you can do:
Running on a treadmill
Static bike
Lifting light weights
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